




多くの研究において、飼い主の 行動 がペットの肥満に影響を与えることが、以下について確認されています。

  • 食餌と運動の習慣。1-6
  • おやつを与えることに対する信念と動機。7
  • ペットと飼い主の絆の一環として食物を使用すること。8

ペットの肥満の一因となる飼い主の動機と 行動 をより良く理解することが、体重管理プログラムを成功させるために必要不可欠です。8-10


  • ペットの肥満についての飼い主の行動と信念に対処する介入策を考えることは、ペットの体重管理の効果を高めるために必要不可欠です。






  1. Bland, I. M., Guthrie-Jones, A., Taylor, R. D., & Hill, J. (2009). Dog obesity: Owner attitudes and behaviour. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 92(4), 333–340.
  2. Courcier, E. A., Thomson, R. M., Mellor, D. J., & Yam, P. S. (2010). An epidemiological study of environmental factors associated with canine obesity. The Journal of Small Animal Practice, 51(7), 362–367.
  3. Endenburg, N., Soontararak, S., Charoensuk, C., & van Lith, H. A. (2018). Quality of life and owner attitude to dog overweight and obesity in Thailand and the Netherlands. BMC Veterinary Research, 14(1), 221.
  4. Kienzle, E., Bergler, R., & Mandernach, A. (1998). A comparison of the feeding behavior and the human-animal relationship in owners of normal and obese dogs. The Journal of Nutrition, 128(12 Suppl), 2779S–2782S.
  5. Kienzle, E., & Bergler, R. (2006). Human-animal relationship of owners of normal and overweight cats. Journal of Nutrition, 136, 1947S–1950S.​
  6. Webb, T. L. (2015, March 26–28). Why pet owners overfeed: A self-regulation perspective. Proceedings Companion Animal Nutrition Summit: The Future of Weight Management. Barcelona, Spain, 87–92.
  7. White, G. A., Ward, L., Pink, C., Craigon, J., & Millar, K. M. (2016). “Who’s been a good dog?” - Owner perceptions and motivations for treat giving. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 132, 14–19.
  8. Churchill, J., & Ward, E. (2016). Communicating with pet owners about obesity: Roles of the veterinary health care team. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 46, 899–911.
  9. French, J. (2015, March 26–28). Developing population and personal behavioral interventions to address the public health challenge of pet obesity. Proceedings Companion Animal Nutrition Summit: The Future of Weight Management. Barcelona, Spain, 101–106.
  10. Webb, T. L., du Plessis, H., Christian, H., Raffan, E., Rohlf, V., & White, G. A. (2020). Understanding obesity among companion dogs: New measures of owner’s beliefs and behaviour and associations with body condition scores. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 180, 105029.