
Nestlé 和 Purina 在微生物组领域的领先地位


作为 Nestlé 旗下公司,Purina 凭借无可匹敌的的菌种保藏以及数十年的微生物组、益生元和益生菌研究吸引着人们的注意,对有益于兽医学和宠物健康的潜在益生菌菌株进行评估。

自 20 世纪 70 年代以来,Nestlé 一直在收集菌株。坐落于瑞士洛桑的雀巢菌种保藏中心(Nestlé Culture Collection,简称 NCC)藏有成千上万种经过基因测序和分类的菌株。

Nestlé 公开了首个双歧杆菌属基因组序列以及首个来自人肠道并完成测序的乳酸杆菌属。1、2


Purina 和 Nestlé 的科学家们共同协作,对犬和人类的微生物组进行了首次直接比较。这项研究首次证实这两个物种的微生物组相似,二者对饮食的反应也相似。11、12

Purina 是首家提供可稳定储存并被证实可促进免疫系统健康的益生菌补充剂的公司,同时也是首家为患有腹泻的病犬或病猫提供饮食管理的公司。这种益生菌是一种特殊的屎肠球菌菌株,称为屎肠球菌 SF68 (NCIMB 10415 4b1705),根据至今发表的论文,它一直都是兽医学领域研究最多的益生菌。Purina 还是首家提供可稳定储存并被证实可减轻某些焦虑行为、帮助犬类应对外部应激物的益生菌(长双歧杆菌 BL999,NCC 3001)的公司。除了侧重于产品研发的研究外,Purina 还开展并资助可推进微生物组健康和营养影响方面科学知识进步的研究。

Nestlé Nutrition Institute


雀巢营养科学院 (Nestlé Nutrition Institute) 是一家创立于 1981 年的非营利协会组织,宗旨是推进营养科学的发展。如需了解更多详情和资源,请访问其网站。

屎肠球菌 SF68

犬和猫的微生物组:来自 Purina 的开创性营养科学理念

此文件概括介绍了已发表的 Purina 微生物组学相关理念。



不止是填饱肚子:将 Purina 的微生物组学理念付诸实践

此文件讲述了将 Purina 发表的微生物组学理念付诸于兽医临床背景实践中。


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  1. Schell, M. A., Karmirantzou, M., Snel, B., Vilanova, D., Berger, B., Pessi, G.,…Arigoni, F. (2002). The genome sequence of Bifidobacterium longum reflects its adaptation to the human gastrointestinal tract. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 99(22), 14422–14427.
  2. Pridmore, R. D., Berger, B., Desiere, F., Vilanova, D., Barretto, C., Pittet, A.-C.,…Schell, M. A. (2004). The genome sequence of the probiotic intestinal bacterium Lactobacillus johnsonii NCC 533. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(8), 2512–2517. doi:10.1073/pnas.0307327101
  3. Grieder, H. R. (1969). Clinical trials on a new biologically acidified formula. Praxis, 39, 1236–1238.
  4. Mathias, A., Duc, M., Favre, L., Benyacoub, J., Blum, S., & Corthésy, B. (2010). Potentiation of polarized intestinal caco-2 cell responsiveness to probiotics complexed with secretory IgA. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(44), 33906–33913.
  5. Yamano, T., Iino, H., Takada, M., Blum, S., Rochat, F., & Fukushima, Y. (2006). Improvement of the human intestinal flora by ingestion of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus johnsonii La1. British Journal of Nutrition, 95, 303–312.
  6. Fukushima, Y., Yamano, T., Kusano, A., Takada, M., Amano, M., & Iino, H. (2004). Effect of fermented milk containing Lactobacillus johnsonii La1 (LC1®) on defecation in health Japanese adults – A double blind placebo controlled study. Bioscience Microflora, 23(4), 139–147.
  7. Schiffrin, E. J., Rochat, F., Link-Amster, H., Aeschlimann, J. M., & Donnet-Hughes, A. (1995). Immunomodulation of human blood cells following the ingestion of lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Dairy Science, 78(3), 491–497.
  8. Schiffrin, E. J., Brassart, D., Servin, A. L., Rochat, F., & Donnet-Hughes, A. (1997) Immune modulation of blood leukocytes in humans by lactic acid bacteria: criteria for strain selection. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 66, 515S–520S.
  9. Pinto-Sanchez, M. I., Hall, G. B., Ghajar, K., Nardelli, A., Bolino, C., Lau, J. T.,…Bercik, P. (2017). Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum NCC3001 reduces depression scores and alters brain activity: A pilot study in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology, 153, 448–459. doi:10.1053/ j.gastro.2017.05.003
  10. Berger, B., Porta, N., Foata, F., Grathwohl, D., Delley, M., Moine, D.,…Sprenger, N. (2020). Linking human milk oligosaccharides, infant fecal community types, and later risk to require antibiotics. mBio, 11(2), e03196–19. doi:10.1128/mBio.03196-19
  11. Coelho, L. P., Kultima, J. R., Costea, P. I., Fournier, C., Pan, Y., Czarnecki-Maulden, G.,…Bork, P. (2018). Similarity of the dog and human gut microbiomes in gene content and response to diet. Microbiome, 6(72). doi:10.1186/S40168-018-0459-3
  12. Li, Q., Lauber, C. L., Czarnecki-Maulden, G., Pan, Y., & Hannah, S. S. (2017). Effects of the dietary protein and carbohydrate ratio on gut microbiomes in dogs of different body conditions. mBio, 8(1), e01703–16. doi:10.1128/mBio.01703-16