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  • Fast Fact

    Should you choose wet or dry food for senior pets?

    Fast Fact

    The choice of whether to feed a senior pet wet or dry food is ultimately dependent on the individual pet and owner's preferences. However, in certain cases, wet food can offer benefits for the older pet: Wet food is softer and easier for senior pets with missing teeth or other advanced dental issues to chew. Wet food, due to its high moisture content, may help keep senior pets hydrated.

    Providing multiple water bowls can also help encourage drinking. Senior pets may have a decreased sense of smell and taste, which can affect appetite. Gently warming the food can help enhance its aroma and flavor. Whether feeding wet or dry food, food and water bowls should be located where senior pets can reach them easily. Elevating bowls a few inches off the ground may help senior pets with arthritis.

  • Canine pancreas

    Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Dogs

    Nutritional support is a valuable adjunct in the management of dogs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

    1 min to 5 min

  • black scottish terrier

    ANNIE, Canine Adverse Food Reaction

    Get to know Annie, a young adult, small-breed dog with pruritus and chronic diarrhea.

  • Canine pancreas

    Diabetes Mellitus in Dogs

    Nutrition plays an important role in the management of diabetic dogs.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Food Allergies & Food Intolerances in Pets

    The terms “food allergy” and “food intolerance” are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. How do they compare, and how are they diagnosed and managed?

    6 min to 10 min

  • red generic tooth icon

    Gingivitis & Periodontitis in Dogs and Cats

    Nutrition can play a role in the prevention and management of periodontal disease in dogs and cats.

    1 min to 5 min

  • teal canine follicle icon

    Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis in Dogs

    Nutritional management usually leads to resolution of clinical signs for dogs with zinc-responsive dermatosis.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Domestic Shorthair cat

    GENERAL, a Senior Cat

    Get to know General, an indoor-outdoor senior cat.

  • paper icon image

    Key Purina Life Span Study Publications

    See a list of additional key publications from the 14-Year Purina Life Span Study.

    1 min to 5 min