Tips and tools for effective nutrition conversations with case scenario examples.

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Tips and tools for effective nutrition conversations with case scenario examples.


BENNY, Canine Heart Disease

Practice Scenario

BENNY, Canine Heart Disease

Say hello to Benny, an adult, small-breed dog.

SPARKS, a Cat With Suspected Adverse Food Reaction

Practice Scenario

SPARKS, a Cat With Suspected Adverse Food Reaction

Get to know Sparks, a young, adult cat with pruritus.

MUFFIN, an Obese Cat

Practice Scenario

MUFFIN, an Obese Cat

Get to know Muffin, an obese, but otherwise healthy, adult cat

JAX, a Small Breed Puppy

Practice Scenario, Puppy

JAX, a Small Breed Puppy

Say hello to Jax, an energetic, small breed puppy.

HERMAN, a Young Adult Dog With Orthopedic Issues

Practice Scenario

HERMAN, a Young Adult Dog With Orthopedic Issues

Meet Herman, a young adult, large-breed dog with occasional hindlimb lameness and reluctance to play.

MOLLY, an Obese Dog

Adult Dog, Practice Scenario

MOLLY, an Obese Dog

Meet Molly, an obese, but otherwise healthy, adult, large-breed dog.

ANNIE, Canine Adverse Food Reaction

Practice Scenario

ANNIE, Canine Adverse Food Reaction

Get to know Annie, a young adult, small-breed dog with pruritus and chronic diarrhea.

KITTY, an Already-Spayed Kitten

Kitten, Practice Scenario

KITTY, an Already-Spayed Kitten

Meet Kitty, a kitten newly adopted from an animal shelter.

GENERAL, a Senior Cat

Practice Scenario, Senior Cat

GENERAL, a Senior Cat

Get to know General, an indoor-outdoor senior cat.

TIGGER, a Senior Cat With PU/PD

Practice Scenario

TIGGER, a Senior Cat With PU/PD

Get to know Tigger, a senior cat with polyuria, polydipsia and periuria.

Why the Veterinary Team Is the Best Source for Nutrition Information

Nutrition Conversation Tips, Nutritional Assessment

Why the Veterinary Team Is the Best Source for Nutrition Information

Encouraging clients to turn to the veterinary team for their pet’s specific nutrition needs.


1 min to 5 min

How to Make a Dietary Recommendation for a Healthy Dog

Nutrition Conversation Tips, Nutritional Assessment

How to Make a Dietary Recommendation for a Healthy Dog

Watch Dr. Julie Churchill and Dr. Sarah Abood role-play a conversation showing a veterinarian helping a client navigate the wide variety of dog food choices available to find the best option for her new pet.


1 min to 5 min