dog and cat over blue gradient background

Putting the Power of Nutrition Science Into Practice

At the Purina Institute, we believe science is more powerful when it's shared. That's why we're on a mission to unlock the power of nutrition to help pets live better, longer lives.

As a global professional organization, the Purina Institute shares Purina’s leading-edge research and evidence-based information from the wider scientific community in an accessible, actionable way with a goal of empowering veterinary professionals to put nutrition at the forefront of pet health discussions to further improve and extend the healthy lives of pets through nutrition. 

Easily Accessible Resources

Explore CentreSquare® from the Purina Institute – a toolkit of resources that facilitates client-friendly pet nutrition conversations. Whether you have 5 minutes or 30 minutes, you will find something helpful and relevant on CentreSquare®.


Canine Calculator Icon

MER Calculator for Dogs

Using your patient’s age group with current weight and body condition score, this feeding calculator will provide estimated daily caloric needs to reach or maintain ideal body condition.

DISHAA evaluation tool

DISHAA Assessment Tool

A useful tool to monitor cognitive function in dogs.​

Purina Institute Digest 6


Learn about ways food preferences can develop, strategies to improve appetite in hospitalized patients, and how behavioral medicine can influence food consumption in dogs and cats at home.

yellow and white cat nursing kittens

Nutrition for Pregnant and Lactating Cats and Their Nursing Kittens

Nutrition plays a critical role in successful feline reproduction and in supporting development and growth of healthy kittens before and after birth.

Raw food diets

Raw Food Diets

Raw food diets are popular with pet owners but the nutritional benefits are unproven, and most are unaware of the health risks that raw food can pose to pets — and people.


Continuing education is essential for enhancing knowledge, professional skills and career satisfaction. Explore our complimentary pet nutrition educational content which features leading veterinary experts from around the world.


Purina Institute Global Summit 2025

Purina Institute Global Summit 2025
Technologically Empowered Veterinary Care

Please join us virtually on 30 April–1 May at 8:00 CDT (15:00 CEST) for two days of expert-led educational sessions on how advanced technologies are transforming nutrition science, pet care and well-being, and medicine. By attending this event, you could earn up to 10.75 hours of CE credit.

Cognition, Diagnostic Evaluation, Nutrition, Nutrition Conversations, Senior Pet Needs


Activity Length: 60-90 minutes

Feline Hydration, Nutrition, Nutrition Conversations


Activity Length: 60-90 minutes

Adverse Food Reactions, Immunity


Activity Length: 30-60 minutes

Diarrhea, Gut Microbiome


Activity Length: 90+ minutes

Sharing Breakthrough Science

Purina discoveries have helped reimagine the ways nutrition can help pets live better, longer lives. 

Explore the Science of Nutrition section for breakthrough studies and novel discoveries about the molecular-level impacts of nutrients on pet health. 

Then visit the Microbiome Forum to learn about the ongoing research into nutritional strategies for improving the gut health of pets via diet.

dog and cat graphic with brain highlighted

Advancing Brain Health

Learn how nutritional innovations can help protect brain health, manage age-related cognitive changes in dogs and cats, and improve outcomes associated with idiopathic epilepsy in dogs.


Transforming Heart Health

Learn about key nutrients that support heart health in cats and dogs, and discover how Purina’s scientists identified a specific nutrient blend that can help support heart function and slow heart disease progression in dogs with early stage myxomatous mitral valve disease. 

striped cat looking at the camera

Neutralizing Allergens

Learn about an innovative approach to neutralizing Fel d 1, the major cat allergen, at its source in cats’ saliva. As part of a comprehensive allergy management plan, this cat-safe approach can help reduce cat allergens while keeping the cat in its loving home.

enterococcus faecium SF68

Promoting Gastrointestinal Health

Learn about the critical roles of the gut microbiome in pet health and how nutritional interventions including prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics can improve pet health, boost immunity, and aid in the management of common health conditions. 

muscle tissue

Extending a Healthy Life

Learn how Purina’s research demonstrated that nutrition plays a key role in extending the healthy life of dogs and cats. Read about the landmark studies that showed how specific nutritional approaches can slow the onset of age-related health issues and add more years to the lives of dogs and cats.


Exploring Molecular Nutrition

Discover how Purina scientists use their ‘omics’ expertiseanalyzing DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites, or gut bacterial populationsto identify new ways that nutrients can help improve health conditions, such as osteoarthritis, and better understand how nutrition can benefit each and every pet.

intestinal villi with bacteria

Microbiome Fundamentals

Explore the terminology and composition of the microbiomes, how the microbiomes interact with the host, how microbiomes are measured, and the factors that influence microbiome composition.

Puppy and kitten

Microbiome-Centric Interventions for Pet Health Conditions

Put microbiome science into practice to address common health conditions in dogs and cats.

Nestle Purina scientist

Nestlé and Purina Leadership in the Microbiome

As part of Nestlé, Purina draws on an unequaled culture collection and decades of collaborative microbiome research. Discover more about this collaboration and how it improves human and animal health.


Introducing the Purina Institute Handbook of Canine and Feline Clinical Nutrition

  • Provides practical tips and tools to help busy veterinary teams incorporate nutrition into the management of common conditions
  • Helps facilitate nutrition conversations with owners of dogs and cats with acute and chronic health conditions
  • Written by over 40 global experts in veterinary nutrition, internal medicine, cardiology, dermatology, emergency and critical care, and more

Receive this FREE Ebook when you sign up for scientific communications from Purina Institute