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  • Understanding Postbiotics and Their Effects on Gastrointestinal and Host Health

    Understanding Postbiotics and Their Effects on Gastrointestinal and Host Health

    Postbiotics contain dead microorganisms and/or their components, but they still provide biological benefits for the microbiome and overall health. Learn more about this emerging topic in microbiome science.

    20+ minutes


    OBESITY IN PETS: Nutritional and Behavioral Strategies for Preventing and Managing Excess Weight

    Preventing and managing excess weight can help dogs and cats lead better, and importantly, longer lives.

    20+ minutes

  • PREBIOTICS: Effects On Gastrointestinal And Host Health

    PREBIOTICS: Effects On Gastrointestinal And Host Health

    Prebiotics are dietary fibers that offer important nutritional interventions for preventive gut health and the management of health conditions.

    20+ minutes

  • Purina Institute Digest Volume I

    Volume 1: Dealing With Frustrating Feline Elimination Disorders

    Learn about common causes of feline lower urinary tract disease and important strategies to manage these cases, including nutrition, environmental modification, and increasing hydration.

    16 min to 20 min

  • Purina Institute Digest Volume 2

    Volume 2: Tips for Successful Management of Gastrointestinal Disease

    Discover different dietary options for management of acute gastroenteritis, chronic enteropathy, and feline pancreatitis.

    16 min to 20 min