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Tips and tools for effective nutrition conversations with case scenario examples. 



  • Dr. Julie Churchill

    Engaging Clients Regarding Pet Obesity

    Discussing this sensitive topic starts with the health and wellbeing of the pet in mind.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Dr. Sarah Abood

    Engaging Clients Regarding Raw Food Diets

    Exploring different ways to discuss a potentially sensitive issue with clients.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Dr. Julie Churchill

    The Value of Nutrition Conversations

    Talking about nutrition provides the best care for clients and benefits the clinic, too.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Dr. Julie Churchill

    Fitting Nutrition Conversations Into Short Appointment Times

    How to talk about nutrition with clients without changing the team’s current workflow.

    1 min to 5 min

  • creating collaborative care through nutrition conversations

    Creating Collaborative Care Through Nutrition Conversations Webinar

    To help you have nutrition conversations that build client trust, the Purina Institute invites you to watch this free webinar.

    20+ minutes

  • Addressing Pet Obesity When an Owner is Resistant to Change

    Addressing Pet Obesity When an Owner is Resistant to Change

    Watch Dr. Sarah Abood and Dr. Julie Churchill role-play a veterinarian’s conversation with a client who is reluctant to feed her overweight cat, Frank, a different diet or to eliminate his treats.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Discussing Non-Traditional Pet Food Diets: Owner is Open to Suggestions

    Discussing Non-Traditional Pet Food Diets: Owner is Open to Suggestions

    Watch Dr. Julie Churchill and Dr. Sarah Abood role-play a conversation between a veterinarian and a client who is concerned whether the homemade diet she is feeding her cat is nutritionally adequate.

    1 min to 5 min

  • Discussing Non-Traditional Pet Food Diets: Owner is Resistant to Change

    Discussing Non-Traditional Pet Food Diets: Owner is Resistant to Change

    Watch Dr. Sarah Abood and Dr. Julie Churchill as they portray the conversation between a veterinarian and a client who is resistant to changing her dog’s raw food diet.

    1 min to 5 min

  • How to Make a Dietary Recommendation for a Healthy Dog

    How to Make a Dietary Recommendation for a Healthy Dog

    Watch Dr. Julie Churchill and Dr. Sarah Abood role-play a conversation showing a veterinarian helping a client navigate the wide variety of dog food choices available to find the best option for her new pet.

    1 min to 5 min