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Resources to help evaluate a pet's current nutrition and guide nutrition recommendations. 

Nutritional Assessment

Nutrition-Related Risk Factors

Many factors, which may be associated with the specific pet, diet, feeding practices and environment, can influence a pet’s nutritional status. These factors are typically identified during the medical history and physical examination. Certain factors may not require an extended evaluation if the pet is otherwise healthy. However, their presence does invite veterinary health care professionals to look more closely. 

The specific risk factors known to impact a pet’s nutritional status are listed below. The greater the number of risk factors identified during the screening evaluation, the more important an extended evaluation and tailored nutrition plan becomes for the patient.

risk factors

Key Messages

Additional Resources

Baldwin, K., Bartges, J., Buffington, T., Freeman, L. M., Grabow, M., Legred, J., & Ostwald, D., Jr. (2010). AAHA nutritional assessment guidelines for dogs and cats. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 46(4), 285─296. doi: 10.5326/0460285 

WSAVA Nutritional Assessment Guidelines Task Force Members, Freeman, L., Becvarova, I., Cave, N., MacKay, C., Nguyen, P., Rama, B., Takashima, G., Tiffin, R., Tsjimoto, H., & van Beukelen, P. (2011). WSAVA nutritional assessment guidelines. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 52(7), 385─396. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.2011.01079.x